How legal and possible is it to drive a non-customs-cleared car



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When buying vehicles at auctions in the United States of America, it is necessary to go through a mandatory stage car customs clearance. It consists in the preliminary collection and submission of all necessary documents confirming your identity, as well as providing basic information about the car itself: its condition, market value and the final bid made during the auction.

Is it necessary to carry out these stages and is it possible to bring the car to Ukraine without customs clearance? Let's analyze all these questions in more detail.

Is it possible to drive a non-customs-cleared car?

Absolutely all cars that you bought for your own needs must be cleared through customs. However, there are certain exceptions - vehicles are not subject to mandatory customs clearance:

  1. 1Transferred for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. If you or your foundation buy a car for the military and have all the necessary documents confirming this fact (request from the military themselves, volunteers, etc.).
  2. 2Transferred as humanitarian aid. Certain categories of Ukrainian citizens with disabilities can receive cars from the USA as humanitarian aid. In this case, customs clearance is not required.
  3. 3You inherited a car from a US citizen. Here you must have a document confirming the transfer of inheritance. It must be notarized and signed by the former owner of the car.

In all other cases, prepare for the fact that within 10 days you will need to prepare all the necessary documents and submit them for the customs declaration. What package of documents is required? First of all, your passport and identification code, as well as the contract of sale of the car.

You must also have a technical passport of the vehicle. It is important that the car has passed all the necessary technical inspection and has conclusions from the masters working at the service station. Separately, a directly completed customs declaration and receipts confirming the payment of the customs payment and other fees for customs clearance of the car are submitted.

How much can you drive without customs clearance in Ukraine in 2024? If you belong to one of the categories listed above and have collected all the necessary documents, you may not clear the vehicle at all. However, if you do not fall under preferential conditions, customs clearance must be carried out as soon as the car arrives at the border of Ukraine. Already after this procedure, a package of documents for vehicle registration is submitted. After that, you can officially drive a car without worrying about the risk of receiving fines.

How much does customs clearance of vehicles from the USA cost?

Also, car buyers from the USA are often interested in how much they need to pay for customs clearance of a car in Ukraine? The final cost of customs services is calculated individually. Since it will depend on a number of factors:

  • the market value of the vehicle;
  • the price you paid at a car auction;
  • expenses incurred during the transportation of the car.

It is also mandatory to pay a toll and an excise tax, which is calculated based on the volume of the vehicle's engine. To find out more thoroughly and in advance how much the service will cost you, it is better to use a special service. The car customs clearance calculator allows you to calculate the cost of the service in your specific case.

In order not to collect all the documents yourself and not understand the terms and cost of customs clearance of cars from the USA, you can enlist the help and support of specialists. By delegating this process, you can be sure that customs clearance will be completed as quickly as possible without excessive costs.