Rules and features of the used car auction in the USA



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In the USA today, there are official trading platforms that conduct online auctions, selling used vehicles. Some of them are seriously damaged and need to be repaired. Some are in fair or even excellent condition. And they are mostly sold when the owners bought a new car.

You can study US car auctions independently And you can involve real specialists in this, who know all the nuances of the procedure and the rules of participation in the auction.

How do car auctions work in the USA

So, first of all, you need to understand what car auctions are. It is worth noting that they are divided into several categories. Some work with so-called advance rates, where you specify the maximum amount in advance. However, most work on the principle of supply. When each participant of the auction can increase the value of the car by offering his price.

What can I do before the auction starts? If you do not want to monitor changes in the value of the car, it is better to choose a sale at previous rates. In this case, it will be enough to post the maximum price that you are willing to pay for a particular model. If you are interested in the bidding process itself, make your offer and wait for the auction to end.

What is the Buy Now option?

Often, potential buyers of vehicles, participating in an auction, ask: what is the difference between an auction and "Buy it now"? Both of these options may be available even within the same site. By the actual auction, we understand the sale of cars by bidding. When each participant offers his price. And the seller accepts the most profitable for him.

What is the Buy Now option? This is an opportunity to become the owner of a car from the USA as soon as possible. It is available if you are completely satisfied with the specified price of the car. You simply click on the "buy a car" button and pick it up before it is put up for auction. That is, you will no longer participate in the actual auction.

What is a car auction bid?

Since you are buying a vehicle with the subsequent need to transport it to another continent, consider that the amount of the bid is actually the price of the vehicle itself. All additional services will be paid separately:

  • delivery;
  • customs clearance;
  • fee for documentation;
  • possible taxes etc.

Can I cancel or lower my rate? If we are talking about the previous bid, then already during the auction (that is, direct bidding), you cannot influence it in any way. Therefore, carefully consider and calculate whether you are really ready to pay the specified amount. And only after that, place a bid. After all, if no one offers a higher amount, the auction will end on your offer. And you will not be able to cancel your own choice.

If you have made a previous bid, you can cancel it only before the start of the auction itself. However, in this case, you often have to explain why you are canceling the offer. And wait for confirmation from the seller. The "Buy Now" option is completely unappealing. When you click on Buy Now, you should be as sure as possible that you have made the right choice. Because this action will be considered an official confirmation of the purchase of the car.

To avoid mistakes and additional costs, plan ahead of time the budget you are willing to spend on purchasing a car from the USA. Calculate the additional amount you will have to pay for customs clearance and transportation of the car. And only after that start participating in the car auction.